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KINGSINE K3166i Intelligent Protection Relay Test Set

Item No.: 201101

●  All-in-One design, weight < 17.5kg;

●  High Power & Accuracy with 6x35A & 7x310V analog outputs;

●  Complying IEC61850 Sampling Value & GOOSE;

●  The ever-expanding test library templates;

●  Optional advance functions like energy meter and transducer calibration.

Reach out to Kingsie for a pricing inquiry and a demonstration of our high-performance substation relay testing equipment today!

protection relay test set
protection relay testing
protective relay test system
Ordering Instruction
Basic Functions
  • Universal Relay Test Applications.

  • 13 Channels (6x35A & 7x310V) outputs, Each output channels are independent and simultaneous control of magnitude, Phase angle and frequency values, able to inject DC, AC sine wave and up to 60x harmonics.

  • 13 Low-level channels outputs up to 8Vac/10Vdc max.

  • 100/1000Mbit Fiber port for SMV and GOOSE simulations.

  • Variable battery simulator, DC 0-350V, 140Watts max.

  • Transient play back up to 3KHz.

  • Fully function KRT software testing modules.

  • Graphical test modules and templates for testing of various relays.

  • Quick relay testing facility in Manual mode.

  • Shot/Search/Check, Point & Click testing.

  • RIO/XRIO import & export facility.

  • Switch on to fault test(SOTF).

  • Power system model for dynamic testing.

  • Online Vector display.

  • Automatic test results assume.

  • Automatic test report creation.

  • Inbuilt GPS and IRIG-B sync end-to-end testing.

  • Anti-clipping detect, Wrong wiring connect alarm and self-protect, overload and overheat protection.

  • 3-Years guarantee of free repair and life-long maintenance.

  • Lightweight, <18Kg.

  • Free software upgrade.

Advance Feature

  • Complied IEC61850-9-1, IEC61850-9-2, IEC60044-7/8, etc.

  • Transducer calibration (0.02 class).

  • Energy meter calibration (Mechanical & Electronic meters).

Type of Relays Can Be Tested
ItemsANSI® No.
IEC61850 numerical IEDs relay & merge unit
Distance protection relay21
Synchronising or synchronism-check relays25
Undervoltage relays27
Directional Power relays32
Undercurrent or underpower relays37
Negative sequence overcurrent relays46
Overcurrent/ground fault relays50
Inverse time overcurrent/ground fault relays51
Power factor relays55
Overvoltage relays59
Voltage or current balance relays60
Directional overcurrent relays67
Directional ground fault relays67N
DC overcurrent relays76
Phase-angle measuring or out-of-step protection relays78
Automatic reclosing devices79
Frequency relays81
Motor overload protection relays86
Differential protection relays87
Directional voltage relays91
Voltage and power directional relays92
Tripping relays94
Voltage regulating relays
Overimpedance relays, Z>
Underimpedance relays, Z
Time-delay relays

Check Out These Numerical Relay Testing Solutions:

Voltage Outputs
Output Range & Power7×310 V ac (L-N)90 VA max each
3×350 V dc (L-N)105 W max each
Accuracy<0.02%Rd+0.005Rg Typ.
<0.05%Rd+0.01Rg Guar.
±10mV @ <5V dc
±0.5% @ ≥5V dc
Voltage RangeRange I: 30V
Range II: 310V
Automatic Range
DC Offset<20mV Typ./ <100mV Guar
Distortion<0.015%Typ. / <0.05% Guar.
Current Outputs
Output Range & Power6×35A ac (L-N)480 VA max each
3×70A ac (2L-N)850 VA max each
1×100A ac (6L-N)1200 VA max
3×20A dc (L-N)300W max each
Accuracy<0.03%Rd+0.02Rg Typ.
<0.1%Rd+0.05Rg Guar.
±5mA @ <1A dc
±0.5% @ ≥1A dc
Current RangeRange I: 3A
Range II: 35A
Automatic Range
DC Offset<3mA Typ./ <10mA Guar
Distortion<0.025%Typ. / <0.07% Guar.
Low-Level Output
Quantity13 Channels, 16 pin combination female socket
Voltage Outputs RangeAC 0~8V, DC 0~10V
Current Outputs RangeNominal 2mA, 10mA max transient
Output Power≥0.5VA
Accuracy(0.01~0.8 Vrms):<0.05% Typ. / <0.1% Guar.
(0.8~8 Vrms): <0.02% Typ. / <0.05% Guar.
Distortion (THD%)<0.05% Typ. / <0.1% Guar.
Frequency Range0~3000KHz
DC Offset<0.15mV Typ. / <1.5mV Guar.
Frequency & Phase Angle
Frequency RangeDC~1KHz, 3KHz transient
Frequency Accuracy±0.5ppm
Frequency Resolution0.001 Hz
Phase Range-360°~360°
Phase Accuracy<0.02° Typ. / <0.1° Guar. 50/60Hz
Phase Resolution0.001°
Aux. DC Voltage Source (Battery simulator)
Range0~350V @ 140W max
Accuracy0.5%Rg Guar.
Binary Input
Typewet/dry, measurement
Threshold10~600Vdc or potential free, Programmable
Time resolution10us
Sampling Rate10KHz
Debounce time0~25ms (Software Controlled)
Time rangeInfinite
Time errors±1ms @ ≤1s, ±0.1% @ >1s
Galvanic isolation4 isolated with each 2 pairs
Binary Output (Relay Type)
TypePotential free relay contacts, software controlled
Break Capacity ACVmax: 400Vac / Imax:8A / Pmax:2500VA
Break Capacity DCVmax: 300Vdc / Imax:5A / Pmax:150W
Binary Output (Semiconductor Type)
Type:Open-collector, Combination type female
Break Capacity DC5~15Vdc / 5mA, 10mA max
AC not permit
Response time:100us
Synchronization Mode GPS, SMA type antenna connector
IRIG-B (Optical fiber, FT3 type)
Power Supply & Environment
Nominal Input Voltage100~240Vac
Permissible Input Voltage85~260Vac, 125~350VDC
Nominal Frequency50/60Hz
Permissible Frequency45Hz~65Hz
Power Consumption1500 VA max
Connection TypeStandard AC socket 60320
Operating Temperature-10℃~55℃
Storage Temperature-20℃~70℃
Humidity<95%RH, non-condensing
PC ConnectionRJ45 Ethernet, 10/100M
Grounding Terminal4mm banana socket
Weight17.5 Kg
Dimensions(W x D x H)468×375×164(mm)

(Optional Modules)

IEC61850 Functions

  • Fully complying IEC61850 Sampling value and GOOSE; (IEC61850-9-1, IEC61850-9-2/(LE), IEC60044-7/8).

  • Able to simultaneously output sampling value and analog signals, or subscriber and publish GOOSE message and relay contact binary I/O function.

  • Up to 36 sampling value channels can be mapped.

IEC61850 Fiber & GOOSE Ethernet Ports (Optional Function)
Fiber Ports2 x 100Base-FX Full Duplex, LC type
(Optional to 10/100Mbit, Ethernet RJ45 type)
Fiber Type62.5/125um (Multiple optical fiber, Orange Red)
Transmit Distance>1Km
IndicatorSpd Green(light): Valid connection
Link/Act Yellow(Blinking): Data exchanging
NoteHardware is ready, to be active

Transducer Calibration Function

DC Measurement Input  (Hardware is ready, to be active)
Voltage InputRange0~±10V dc
Max Input±11V dc
Accuracy<0.2% rg Typ. <0.5% rg Guar.
Input Impedance1M ohm
Current InputRange0~±1mA / 1~±20mA, auto range
Max Input600mA
Accuracy<0.2% rg Typ. <0.5% rg Guar.
Input Impedance15 ohm

Energy Meter Calibration Function
Energy Meter Calibration (Hardware is ready, to be active)
Sensor UsageMechanical meters / Electronic meters
Sensor OutputHigh lever:>4.5V, Low level:<0.2V
Pulse Input1 pulse input port, 5Vdc high level valid only.
Pulse Range500KHz pulse input Max.
Pulse Output1 Transistor output, Open-collector, 5Vdc/5mA

ModelCurrent OutputsVoltage OutputsOptional
K3166i6×35A @ 450VA max
3×70A @ 850VA max
7×310V @ 90VA max● IEC61850 SV
● IEC61850 GOOSE
● Energy meter cal.
● Transducer cal.
K3163i6×35A @ 450VA max
3×70A @ 850VA max
4×310V @ 124VA max
K3130i3×35A @ 450VA max4×310V @ 124VA max

KINGSINE K3166i Intelligent Protection Relay Test Set

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KINGSINE K3163i Energy Meter Calibration

Whether you have a question about KINGSINE Electrical Testing Devices or anything else, we're here to help and ready to answer your questions.
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+1 647 707 9669
6C/F4.8 TianAn Cyber Park, Futian, Shenzhen, 518040, China
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